
Things may be hard enough, but it just requires your perseverance...!!!

Many things are left undone thinking we might not stand the struggle.And the best part is we think it even before giving it a try...!!!
They have the courage to stand and tell that you cannot do it. But very few, yes very few people would come by your side and whisper,YOU CAN DO IT.  Respect these magical words.  Combine them with your perseverance and embark on that journey. 
Everyone of us has that one thing which makes our adrenaline run at its fullest. Let them realize it and let them feel it that this is the only thing that you ever thought of doing....!!!
Now don't be overwhelmed with what I wrote.
Some facts:-
-Things may not seem right at first.
-You may think of discontinuing it.
-People around you will look with eyes full of expectations.... That could drive you crazy...!!!

Then remember to say it to yourself : Things may be hard enough, but it just requires MY perseverance...!!!

Failures are bound to happen unless you don't want to experiment. Let failures not distract you and demotivate you. Just let them be the enablers of your never ending perseverance...!!!!

I read these lines by Wayne Dyre -
"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."

So make a choice and it will define you at the end.